Running The Mini-Applications

Running the SPn Mini-Application

The SPn mini-app is compiled into the executable xspn that has the following options:


Load the subsequent xml input file.

The SPn mini-app solves the \(SP_N\) form of the neutron transport equation. The equations it solves are described in in this technical note.

Inputs are xml-driven. To run the application do the following:

> mpirun -np 1 ./xspn -i inf_med.xml

Infinite-Medium Problem Example

In this case inf_med.xml is the xml input file. We can walk through this case; it is one of the example inputs in packages/SPn/examples:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ASCII'?>
<ParameterList name="profugus SPN input">
  <ParameterList name="CORE">
    <Parameter name="axial list" type="Array(string)" value="{core}"/>
    <Parameter name="axial height" type="Array(double)" value="{ 1.00000e+01}"/>
    <Parameter name="core" type="TwoDArray(int)" value="1x1:{0}"/>
  <ParameterList name="ASSEMBLIES">
    <Parameter name="pin pitch" type="double" value="10.0"/>
    <Parameter name="assembly list" type="Array(string)" value="{assembly}"/>
    <Parameter name="assembly" type="TwoDArray(int)" value="1x1:{0}"/>
  <ParameterList name="SOURCE">
    <Parameter name="source list" type="Array(string)" value="{uniform}"/>
    <Parameter name="source map" type="TwoDArray(int)" value="1x1:{0}"/>
    <Parameter name="axial source" type="Array(double)" value="{ 1.00000e+00}"/>
    <ParameterList name="uniform">
      <Parameter name="strength" type="TwoDArray(double)" value="1x1:{ 1.00000e+00}"/>
      <Parameter name="shape" type="Array(double)" value="{ 1.00000e+00}"/>
  <ParameterList name="MATERIAL">
    <Parameter name="xs library" type="string" value="xs_1G.xml"/>
    <Parameter name="mat list" type="Array(string)" value="{scatterer}"/>
  <ParameterList name="PROBLEM">
    <Parameter name="radial mesh" type="int" value="10"/>
    <Parameter name="axial mesh" type="Array(int)" value="{10}"/>
    <Parameter name="symmetry" type="string" value="full"/>
    <Parameter name="Pn_order" type="int" value="0"/>
    <Parameter name="SPn_order" type="int" value="1"/>
    <Parameter name="problem_name" type="string" value="inf_med"/>

This is an input of a 1-group infinite-medium problem that has an analytical solution. Integrating the Boltzmann transport equation over energy and angle gives the following balance equation:

(1)\[\nabla\cdot\mathbf{J} + (\sigma_{\text{t}}-\sigma_{\text{s}})\phi = Q\]

In an infinite medium (all reflecting boundaries with a uniform source and material everywhere), the divergence of the current vanishes and the solution for \(\phi\) is simply

(2)\[\phi = \frac{Q}{(\sigma_{\text{t}}-\sigma_{\text{s}})}\]

The geometric model for SPn is a simplified input for nuclear reactor problems (although it can be used to describe other types of problems). In this application area radial dimensions are xy* and axial dimensions are z. A core is generally defined radially by 2D maps of assemblies and pin-cells and axially by 1D dimensions. In this model a CORE is the outermost object. A CORE contains ASSEMBLIES. The MATERIALS are referenced by the ASSEMBLIES. For fixed-source problems a SOURCE may be defined at the CORE level. Finally, a set of problem parameters that dictates how the code is run is defined in PROBLEM. These are summarized below:

Describes the outer geometric configuration of the problem. A core defines the axial (z-axis) definitions and a 2D assembly map.
Individual assembly types are defined in this block. Each assembly is an \(N\times M\) array of pin-cells. Each pin cell contains a single material, but can be descretized by a finer computational mesh grid.
Describes fixed sources. When this option is present, SPn is run in fixed-source mode; otherwise, an eigenvalue problem is run.
Specifies the xml-file containing the material cross sections and the list of materials referenced in the ASSEMBLIES block.
Determines all problem solution parameters including computational mesh discretization, SPN-order of the problem (1, 3, 5, 7), Pn-order of the scattering expansion, boundary conditions, and solver parameters. Note that solver parameters can be passed to directly to Trilinos solvers by describing the appropriate parameters as shown below.

Details on how the problem parameters are used to set up a problem can be ascertained by perusing the well-documented source code in the Problem_Builder class (this is a mini-app after all, so we do not consider it unreasonable to look at code!).


All of the 2D arrays in the xml-input are COLUMN-MAJOR (FORTRAN) ordered. In other words, the i-indices of an array cycle fastest. Thus, 2D arrays are stored internally as arrays with dimension [N_j][N_i], reflecting the fact that C arrays are stored ROW-MAJOR.

Conversely, the scattering cross sections in the cross section xml files are ROW-MAJOR ordered. Thus, the 2D arrays have dimensions [g][g'].

This will become clean in the examples.

Let’s us now step through the input step-by-step. The CORE block for this problem defines the following parameters:

<Parameter name="axial list" type="Array(string)" value="{core}"/>
<Parameter name="axial height" type="Array(double)" value="{ 1.00000e+01}"/>
<Parameter name="core" type="TwoDArray(int)" value="1x1:{0}"/>

This first parameter defines a list of axial core maps. The second parameter defines the height of each axial level and should have the same number of entries as the axial list parameter. The final set of parameters are the core maps listed in hte axial list array. In this case there is a single axial core map named core (the names can be unique). The core map specifies a core containing a single assembly. This indices in the core map are ordered \([0,\ldots,N)\) and refer to assemblies defined in the ASSEMBLIES block assembly list parameter. This brings us to the parameters defined in the ASSEMBLIES block:

<Parameter name="pin pitch" type="double" value="10.0"/>
<Parameter name="assembly list" type="Array(string)" value="{assembly}"/>
<Parameter name="assembly" type="TwoDArray(int)" value="1x1:{0}"/>

The pin pitch parameter gives the width of each (square) pin-cell. The assembly list parameter gives the list of assembly types. As in the CORE block, the final set of parameters are the 2D assembly maps for each assembly defined in the assembly list. Every assembly must have the same dimensions, but they can be composed of different materials. Each assembly map refers to a material defined in the MATERIAL block mat list parameter and is ordered \([0,\ldots,N)\). So, this block defines a single assembly type that is \(10\times 10\) cm in radial width that contains a single pin-cell with material 0. Examining the 2 parameters in the MATERIAL block:

<Parameter name="xs library" type="string" value="xs_1G.xml"/>
<Parameter name="mat list" type="Array(string)" value="{scatterer}"/>

We see from the mat list parameter that material 0 corresponds to the material scatterer. This name refers to a material defined in the cross-section file xs_1G.xml that is loaded based on the value of the xs library parameter. The cross section file, xs_1G.xml, containst the following data:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ASCII'?>
<ParameterList name="cross sections">
  <Parameter name="num groups" type="int" value="1"/>
  <Parameter name="pn order" type="int" value="0"/>
  <Parameter name="group v" type="Array(double)" value="{ 4.373937e+09}"/>
  <ParameterList name="void">
    <Parameter name="sigma_t" type="Array(double)" value="{ 0.00000e+00}"/>
    <Parameter name="sigma_s0" type="TwoDArray(double)" value="1x1:{ 0.00000e+00}"/>
  <ParameterList name="absorber">
    <Parameter name="sigma_t" type="Array(double)" value="{ 1.00000e+00}"/>
    <Parameter name="sigma_s0" type="TwoDArray(double)" value="1x1:{ 0.00000e+00}"/>
  <ParameterList name="scatterer">
    <Parameter name="sigma_t" type="Array(double)" value="{ 1.00000e+00}"/>
    <Parameter name="sigma_s0" type="TwoDArray(double)" value="1x1:{ 9.00000e-01}"/>
  <ParameterList name="fissionable">
    <Parameter name="sigma_t" type="Array(double)" value="{ 1.00000e+00}"/>
    <Parameter name="nu_sigma_f" type="Array(double)" value="{ 1.20000e+00}"/>
    <Parameter name="sigma_f" type="Array(double)" value="{ 5.00000e-01}"/>
    <Parameter name="chi" type="Array(double)" value="{ 1.00000e+00}"/>
    <Parameter name="sigma_s0" type="TwoDArray(double)" value="1x1:{ 2.00000e-01}"/>

Thus, the geometric description of this problem is a \(10\times 10\times 10\) cm box containing the material scatterer that has a total cross section of 1.0 and a scattering cross section of 0.9 (resulting in an aborption/removal cross section of 0.1).

To make this a fixed-source problem, the SOURCE block must be present:

<Parameter name="source list" type="Array(string)" value="{uniform}"/>
<Parameter name="source map" type="TwoDArray(int)" value="1x1:{0}"/>
<Parameter name="axial source" type="Array(double)" value="{ 1.00000e+00}"/>
<ParameterList name="uniform">
  <Parameter name="strength" type="TwoDArray(double)" value="1x1:{ 1.00000e+00}"/>
  <Parameter name="shape" type="Array(double)" value="{ 1.00000e+00}"/>

Here, the source list parameter gives the list of sources. The source map parameter has the same dimensions as the core maps and gives the source index that resides in each core location. A value of -1 indicates that there is no source in a given location. A value in the range \([0,\ldots,N)\) refers to the source indicated by the source list. The axial source parameter has the same number of entries as the axial list and axial height parameters in the CORE block. The axial source is a multiplier that is applied to the source at each axial level. Each radial source is defined in its own sublist. In this case, there is a single source, uniform. Each source sublist contains a strength and shape parameter. The strength parameter gives a \(N\times M\) 2D axial array of the source strength in each pin-cell. The shape is dimensioned by the number of groups in the xs library parameter num groups. It gives the energy-spectral shape of the source. Thus, in any pin-cell, the group source is given by the product of the shape and strength:

(3)\[q_{\text{ext}\,i,j}^g = \text{shape[g]} \times \text{strength[j][i]}\]

And, as described above, the strength map is COLUMN-MAJOR ordered in the xml file.

Finally, the PROBLEM database provides entries that control the problem setup and solver. Many of these entries will be set by default, although all can be overrided. In this example, we only set a few parameters:

<Parameter name="radial mesh" type="int" value="10"/>
<Parameter name="axial mesh" type="Array(int)" value="{10}"/>
<Parameter name="symmetry" type="string" value="full"/>
<Parameter name="Pn_order" type="int" value="0"/>
<Parameter name="SPn_order" type="int" value="1"/>
<Parameter name="problem_name" type="string" value="inf_med"/>

Here the radial mesh indicates that each pin-cell is meshed \(10\times 10\). The axial mesh value is an array giving the number of computational mesh cells in each axial level. The symmetry parameter tells that mesh generator to use the full problem description and not apply any symmetry conditions. The Pn_order parameter gives the scattering order for the solver; it must be less than or equal to the pn order specified in the cross section library file. The SPn_order gives the order of the \(SP_N\) approximation. Finally, the problem_name gives the base name that will be used for all output files. We have not specified any specific solver options, so the defaults will be used.

The final specification of this problem is \(10\times 10\times 10\) cm box with computational mesh cells with dimension \(1\times 1\times 1\) cm resulting in 1000 total cells (\(10\times 10\times 10\)). There is a uniform 1 particle/cc source throughout the box. The box has a uniform material of scatterer as defined in the xs_1G.xml file. The solver will run a SP1 calculation with P0 scattering.


The only symmetry option currently supported is full`; however, ``qtr symmetry will be added for 1/4 symmetry.

The outputs for this problem are contained in the examples directory. Automatically, the code will output a final problem xml file so that the user can see what defaults were added. In this case, the output xml file is stored in inf_med_db.xml:

<ParameterList name="inf_med-PROBLEM">
  <Parameter docString="" id="0" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="radial mesh" type="int" value="10"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="1" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="axial mesh" type="Array(int)" value="{10}"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="2" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="symmetry" type="string" value="full"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="3" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="Pn_order" type="int" value="0"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="4" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="SPn_order" type="int" value="1"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="5" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="problem_name" type="string" value="inf_med"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="6" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="num_cells_i" type="int" value="10"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="7" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="delta_x" type="double" value="1.00000000000000000e+01"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="8" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="num_cells_j" type="int" value="10"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="9" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="delta_y" type="double" value="1.00000000000000000e+01"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="10" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="z_edges" type="Array(double)" value="{0.00000000000000000e+00, 1.00000000000000000e+00, 2.00000000000000000e+00, 3.00000000000000000e+00, 4.00000000000000000e+00, 5.00000000000000000e+00, 6.00000000000000000e+00, 7.00000000000000000e+00, 8.00000000000000000e+00, 9.00000000000000000e+00, 1.00000000000000000e+01}"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="11" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="num_blocks_i" type="int" value="1"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="12" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="num_blocks_j" type="int" value="1"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="13" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="num_z_blocks" type="int" value="1"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="14" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="num_sets" type="int" value="1"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="15" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="dimension" type="int" value="3"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="16" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="g_first" type="int" value="0"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="17" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="g_last" type="int" value="0"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="18" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="problem_type" type="string" value="fixed"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="19" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="solver_type" type="string" value="stratimikos"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="20" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="tolerance" type="double" value="9.99999999999999955e-07"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="21" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="max_itr" type="int" value="100"/>
  <ParameterList id="67" name="Stratimikos">
    <Parameter docString="" id="22" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="Preconditioner Type" type="string" value="None"/>
    <Parameter docString="" id="23" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="Linear Solver Type" type="string" value="AztecOO"/>
    <Parameter docString="" id="24" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Enable Delayed Solver Construction" type="bool" value="false"/>
    <ParameterList id="66" name="Linear Solver Types">
      <ParameterList id="65" name="AztecOO">
        <Parameter docString="" id="25" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Output Every RHS" type="bool" value="false"/>
        <ParameterList id="43" name="Forward Solve">
          <Parameter docString="" id="26" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Max Iterations" type="int" value="400"/>
          <Parameter docString="" id="27" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Tolerance" type="double" value="9.99999999999999955e-07"/>
          <ParameterList id="42" name="AztecOO Settings">
            <Parameter docString="" id="28" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Aztec Preconditioner" type="string" validatorId="0" value="none"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="29" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Aztec Solver" type="string" validatorId="1" value="GMRES"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="30" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Overlap" type="int" validatorId="2" value="0"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="31" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Graph Fill" type="int" validatorId="3" value="0"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="32" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Drop Tolerance" type="double" validatorId="4" value="0.00000000000000000e+00"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="33" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Fill Factor" type="double" validatorId="5" value="1.00000000000000000e+00"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="34" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Steps" type="int" validatorId="6" value="3"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="35" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Polynomial Order" type="int" validatorId="7" value="3"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="36" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="RCM Reordering" type="string" validatorId="8" value="Disabled"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="37" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Orthogonalization" type="string" validatorId="9" value="Classical"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="38" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Size of Krylov Subspace" type="int" validatorId="10" value="300"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="39" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Convergence Test" type="string" validatorId="11" value="r0"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="40" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Ill-Conditioning Threshold" type="double" validatorId="12" value="1.00000000000000000e+11"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="41" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Output Frequency" type="int" validatorId="13" value="0"/>
        <ParameterList id="61" name="Adjoint Solve">
          <Parameter docString="" id="44" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Max Iterations" type="int" value="400"/>
          <Parameter docString="" id="45" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Tolerance" type="double" value="9.99999999999999955e-07"/>
          <ParameterList id="60" name="AztecOO Settings">
            <Parameter docString="" id="46" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Aztec Solver" type="string" validatorId="1" value="GMRES"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="47" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Aztec Preconditioner" type="string" validatorId="0" value="ilu"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="48" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Overlap" type="int" validatorId="2" value="0"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="49" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Graph Fill" type="int" validatorId="3" value="0"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="50" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Drop Tolerance" type="double" validatorId="4" value="0.00000000000000000e+00"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="51" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Fill Factor" type="double" validatorId="5" value="1.00000000000000000e+00"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="52" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Steps" type="int" validatorId="6" value="3"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="53" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Polynomial Order" type="int" validatorId="7" value="3"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="54" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="RCM Reordering" type="string" validatorId="8" value="Disabled"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="55" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Orthogonalization" type="string" validatorId="9" value="Classical"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="56" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Size of Krylov Subspace" type="int" validatorId="10" value="300"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="57" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Convergence Test" type="string" validatorId="11" value="r0"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="58" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Ill-Conditioning Threshold" type="double" validatorId="12" value="1.00000000000000000e+11"/>
            <Parameter docString="" id="59" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Output Frequency" type="int" validatorId="13" value="0"/>
        <ParameterList id="64" name="VerboseObject">
          <Parameter docString="" id="62" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Output File" type="string" value="none"/>
          <Parameter docString="" id="63" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="Verbosity Level" type="string" value="default"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="68" isDefault="true" isUsed="true" name="eqn_type" type="string" value="fv"/>
  <Parameter docString="" id="69" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="boundary" type="string" value="reflect"/>
  <ParameterList id="71" name="boundary_db">
    <Parameter docString="" id="70" isDefault="false" isUsed="true" name="reflect" type="Array(int)" value="{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}"/>
    <Validator allowDouble="true" allowInt="true" allowString="true" prefferedType="int" type="anynumberValidator" validatorId="3"/>
    <Validator caseSensitive="true" defaultParameterName="Aztec Solver" integralValue="int" type="StringIntegralValidator(int)" validatorId="1">
      <String integralValue="0" stringValue="CG"/>
      <String integralValue="1" stringValue="GMRES"/>
      <String integralValue="2" stringValue="CGS"/>
      <String integralValue="3" stringValue="TFQMR"/>
      <String integralValue="4" stringValue="BiCGStab"/>
      <String integralValue="10" stringValue="LU"/>
      <String integralValue="7" stringValue="GMRESR"/>
      <String integralValue="8" stringValue="FixedPoint"/>
    <Validator caseSensitive="true" defaultParameterName="Aztec Preconditioner" integralValue="(anonymous namespace)::EAztecPreconditioner" type="StringIntegralValidator((anonymous namespace)::EAztecPreconditioner)" validatorId="0">
      <String integralValue="0" stringValue="none"/>
      <String integralValue="1" stringValue="ilu"/>
      <String integralValue="2" stringValue="ilut"/>
      <String integralValue="3" stringValue="Jacobi"/>
      <String integralValue="4" stringValue="Symmetric Gauss-Seidel"/>
      <String integralValue="5" stringValue="Polynomial"/>
      <String integralValue="6" stringValue="Least-squares Polynomial"/>
    <Validator allowDouble="true" allowInt="true" allowString="true" prefferedType="double" type="anynumberValidator" validatorId="4"/>
    <Validator allowDouble="true" allowInt="true" allowString="true" prefferedType="int" type="anynumberValidator" validatorId="2"/>
    <Validator allowDouble="true" allowInt="true" allowString="true" prefferedType="double" type="anynumberValidator" validatorId="5"/>
    <Validator allowDouble="true" allowInt="true" allowString="true" prefferedType="int" type="anynumberValidator" validatorId="6"/>
    <Validator allowDouble="true" allowInt="true" allowString="true" prefferedType="int" type="anynumberValidator" validatorId="7"/>
    <Validator caseSensitive="true" defaultParameterName="RCM Reordering" integralValue="int" type="StringIntegralValidator(int)" validatorId="8">
      <String integralValue="1" stringValue="Enabled"/>
      <String integralValue="0" stringValue="Disabled"/>
    <Validator allowDouble="true" allowInt="true" allowString="true" prefferedType="double" type="anynumberValidator" validatorId="12"/>
    <Validator caseSensitive="true" defaultParameterName="Orthogonalization" integralValue="int" type="StringIntegralValidator(int)" validatorId="9">
      <String integralValue="0" stringValue="Classical"/>
      <String integralValue="1" stringValue="Modified"/>
    <Validator allowDouble="true" allowInt="true" allowString="true" prefferedType="int" type="anynumberValidator" validatorId="10"/>
    <Validator allowDouble="true" allowInt="true" allowString="true" prefferedType="int" type="anynumberValidator" validatorId="13"/>
    <Validator caseSensitive="true" defaultParameterName="Convergence Test" integralValue="int" type="StringIntegralValidator(int)" validatorId="11">
      <String integralValue="0" stringValue="r0"/>
      <String integralValue="1" stringValue="rhs"/>
      <String integralValue="2" stringValue="Anorm"/>
      <String integralValue="6" stringValue="no scaling"/>
      <String integralValue="3" stringValue="sol"/>

Perusing this database, we see the default solver options that were set. These can be overriden by adding a Stratimikos parameterlist to the input xml. Other items of note are:

<Parameter  name="num_blocks_i" type="int" value="1"/>
<Parameter  name="num_blocks_j" type="int" value="1"/>
<Parameter  name="g_first" type="int" value="0"/>
<Parameter  name="g_last" type="int" value="0"/>

The num_blocks parameters allow the user to specify a parallel decomposition. The total number of processes is:

\[N_p = N_i \times N_j\]


The SPn mini-app currenly only supports xy decompositions. This is an historical requirement so that the SPn matches a similar decomposition in the |Exnihilo| production code for another physics model. It is not a true restriction.

The g_first and g_last parameters allow the user to specify a range of groups to run over. For example, if a 23-group cross section set is loaded, but the user is only interested in the solution in groups 0 and 1 set:

<Parameter  name="g_first" type="int" value="0"/>
<Parameter  name="g_last" type="int" value="1"/>

If HDF5 is available, the group-wise fluxes are output in the file inf_med_output.h5. From (2) the solution to this problem should be \(\phi = 10.0\) everywhere. Using h5dump on the output file yields:

HDF5 "SPn_output.h5" {
GROUP "/" {
   GROUP "fluxes" {
      DATASET "group_0" {
         DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 10, 10, 10 ) / ( 10, 10, 10 ) }
         DATA {
         (0,0,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (0,1,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (0,2,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (0,3,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (0,4,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (0,5,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (0,6,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (0,7,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (0,8,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (0,9,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (1,0,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (1,1,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (1,2,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (1,3,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (1,4,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (1,5,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (1,6,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
         (1,7,0): 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
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         ATTRIBUTE "data_order" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_STD_I32LE
            DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 1 ) / ( 1 ) }
            DATA {
            (0): 0

Thus, the correct solution is attained for this problem.